Certified Lifeguard Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Certified lifeguards are responsible for responding to public safety incidents and enforcing the codes of conduct near pools, lakes, or beaches. They are expected to be strong swimmers, physically fit, and experienced first responders. When writing public service job descriptions, you should understand the qualities of a desirable job candidate for a certified lifeguard position.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has no specific information regarding certified lifeguards, but they report the median salary of lifeguards, ski patrol, and other recreational protective service workers to be $19,500 per year. The projected employment growth rate is at 7 percent, which is as fast as average. As you better understand the labor market, selecting the right certified lifeguard job candidate becomes a clearer choice.
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Certified Lifeguard Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Community Health Worker Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Community health workers teach individuals better methods of caring for their health and promote wellness initiatives to the public. They play a vital role in disseminating information and health data to the community. Finding the best community health workers means knowing the right information to include in your public service job descriptions.
The median salary in 2015 for a community health worker, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, was $43,840 per year, or $21.08 per hour. The employment outlook is promising, with a 13 percent growth rate, above the average for all occupations. When looking for your new community health worker, use current market salary information to help make the right hiring decision.
Community Health Worker Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Community Support Specialist Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Community support specialists work as liaisons between mental health facilities and clients, maintaining patient records, provide assistance to clients and families, meet with new clients, and other outreach responsibilities. In order to find the right community service specialist, most employers rely on informed public service job descriptions to capture job candidates’ attention.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not break down specific employment information for community support specialists, but they do report that community and social service specialists make a median wage of $41,890 per year. The growth rate for the field is roughly the average of all occupations, at 8 percent. Remember, hiring the best community support specialist means understanding the employment market.
Community Support Specialist Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Lifeguard Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Lifeguards are the first responders for emergencies in public swimming areas, such as pools, beaches, and lakes. They must be trained swimmers and CPR certified, as they play a critical role in ensuring public safety. To find the best candidates for the job, you must first reach them with strong, appealing public service job descriptions.
Though not calculated specifically for lifeguards, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that lifeguards, ski patrol, and other recreational protective service workers earn a median salary of $19,500 per year. The projected growth rate for employment is steady at 7 percent, as fast as the average for all occupations. Knowing your labor market is important to finding the best job candidates it has to offer.
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Lifeguard Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Program Coordinator Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Program coordinators are responsible for establishing new community programs, overseeing funding and budgetary needs, and serving as liaisons with the public. The job plays an essential executive role in many community organizations. Before you can hire the right program coordinator for your organization, you need alluring public service job descriptions to find the best candidates.
Although the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not report specific salary information regarding program coordinators, it does state that directors in religious activities and education, a comparable field, earn a median salary of $38,780 per year. The industry has an employment growth rate of four percent, which is slower than average. Salary statistics are important when trying to attract program coordinators with the highest qualifications.
Program Coordinator Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Youth Counselor Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Youth counselors are certified to address common afflictions facing children and young adults, including behavioral problems, drug and alcohol abuse, physical abuse, and family issues. They are essential in residential treatment homes and other health and rehabilitation facilities. Hiring the best youth counselors requires attractive, well-worded public service job descriptions.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, counselors (youth counselors are not measured specifically) can expect to earn a median of $45,530 per year. The industry is also growing rapidly and projected to expand at 11 percent over the next decade. Having this information better prepares you for making the tough hiring decisions and finding the right youth counselor for the job.
Youth Counselor Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Youth Worker Job Description Template Job Description Examples
Youth workers are child outreach assistants who form enriching relationships with troubled youths. They serve as role models for enriching the lives of children and young adults who may have few other resources. To find the best candidates for youth workers, you need public service job descriptions that convey the right message.
Though the Bureau of Labor Statistics does not report specific salary data regarding youth workers, the median income for other personal care and service occupations is $22,310 per year. The sector is projected to grow about six percent over the next decade, about as fast as the average. Knowing specific salary information can help you make a better hiring choice for your new youth worker.