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LiveCareer empowers job seekers to navigate their job search with ease to find their dream jobs! We’re with you every step of your career journey.
Since 2005, LiveCareer has helped over 10 million job seekers create professional resumes; 2 million have built sleek cover letters.
We support job seekers with career advice, resources and tools like our award-winning Resume Builder and Cover Letter Generator. We also feature a vast library of resume examples and professionally designed resume templates.
See our About Us page and Editorial Policy to learn more about what drives LiveCareer’s mission!
We’ve earned our reputation as a career services leader, and the press has taken notice!
Press coverage
Job Search Survey Shows Resumes Have Doubled in Length, Here’s Why
Yahoo Finance, Resumes Have Changed. Here’s What Job Seekers Need to Know
Tampa Bay Business Journal, 8 Things to Know, Including Where Fear of Returning to the Office Ranks with Car Accidents and Natural Disasters
Bloomberg Markets, The Close
Bloomberg, Your Resume is Probably Too Long
ABC 10 News, Cramming Your Career Onto a One-Page Resume? Experts Say You Don’t Have To
Fast Company, What to Do When Your Counteroffer is Better than Your New Job Offer
Newsweek, Worker Brings Dachshund Puppy to the Office, Internet Obsessed With Outcome
Press and media inquiries
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